Friday, December 4, 2015

The Iron Lady of Asia: Miriam Defensor-Santiago

Who Are You Voting For The Next Presidential Election?

She is regarded as the Iron Lady of Asia; she is fierce, an experienced trial lawyer, a member of senate who has one of the highest bill-to-law passed and the first South East Asian to be elected judge of the International Criminal Court. She possesses all the qualities that we, Filipinos, most deserve. She is Miriam Defensor-Santiago.

Her rich experience and excellent leadership made me decide to vote for her for the next presidential election.She had gained favour internationally before, so most probably she can lead our country at its finest. As a Filipino citizen, I have always been dreaming of having a leader who is bold and fierce enough to stand against our corrupt politicians. We can never deny the dilemma that our government is infested with corrupt politicians.

Miriam Defensor-Santiago aims for a clean and courageous government that will fight and stop corruption. However, in spite of her political platform, one of the biggest problems in our countrymen is that we only vote those who are familiar and popular to us, no wonder that even any action star can win regardless his or her political and educational backgrounds. Defensor-Santiago, who made various talks and sermons in different institutions in order to educate every Filipino to vote wisely, and not to waste 6 years with corrupt leaders instead of having our country reformedwe always get a government full of corrupt people who corrupt not only our money, but also our intelligence. In one of the interview with Santiago as she launched the sequel of her book Stupid is Forever , she said that she is hoping that Filipinos will not be stupid forever in choosing our leaders. She always emphasize in every speech she makes that before we can have a good president, we should have a good voters. This is probably the character in Santiago that made me admire her most. Her strategy of making talks and sermons into different institutions to remind us to vote wisely in order not to get the 6 years wasted and to get what we always have been wanted to our country and countrymen.

Miriam Defensor-Santiago should be elected as the next president of the Philippines because I believe in her ironclad personality that our country needs in this time of worsen crime and corruption. I believe that she can never be influenced by any other politicians with intent to corrupt the Filipinos as she is dubbed as the Iron lady of Asia, mainly because she has a dominant character in which people around her will be intimidated to influence her in their own political intentions. In spite of all the allegations thrown at her in regards to her health condition, she still got the guts to run for the highest position in land no matter how sensitive her condition is. I wish her full recovery in order to give us still, the 6 years change, we, Filipinos, all deserved. No matter what happens, in all names in lined in the presidency, my vote is for Miriam Defensor-Santiago because she possesses all the qualities of an invincible and fortified leader. I don't want to get the 6 years hope of change wasted to a president who has no health problems but has unhealthy plans to our country.

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