Friday, November 28, 2014

One World, One Family

The United Nation (UN) is an international organization founded in 1945 after the Second World War by 51 countries committed to maintaining international peace and security, developing friendly relations among nations and promoting social progress, better living standards and human rights.[1]

In the Philippines, UN Development Programme (UNDP) fosters human development for peace and prosperity. Working with central and local Governments as well as civil society, and building on global best practices; UNDP strengthens capacities of women, men and institutions to empower them to achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and the objectives of the Philippine Development Plan. Through advocacy and development projects, with a special focus on vulnerable groups, UNDP works to ensure a better life for the Filipino people.[2]

One year ago, when Typhoon Yolanda made landfall in the Eastern Visayas region, it caused wide spread damages and losses. UNDP’s programme in support to Typhoon Yolanda Recovery and Resilience in the Visayas region (TRRV) takes into account differential impacts, vulnerabilities and capacities across the affected region and articulates an area-based approach around four programming hubs: Tacloban, Guiuan, Ormoc, and Roxas. It aims to meet some of the immediate early recovery needs of the affected people and to assist with critical recovery interventions to support the country in transitioning from early recovery to rehabilitation, while creating conditions for long-term recovery, resilience and sustainable development.[3]

The programme builds on prior UNDP engagement and partnerships in the affected areas, including extensive work on debris/ solid waste management, disaster risk management, climate change adaptation, support to local governance, rural development and environmental resilience and sustainability. It takes into account the high level of decentralization in the country, the opportunity to partner with an active civil society and the private sector, and the critical role of central line departments in emergency response and recovery.[4]

Unity among the countries will truly help not only the Philippines but the whole world in maintaining peace and order, promoting social and economic progress and improving rapport among different countries in the world. Since we live in one world, we are responsible to take care, support and help each other.

[1] UN AT A GLANCE, available at, (last accessed November 23, 2014)
[2] UNDP IN THE PHILIPPINES, available at, (last accessed November 23, 2014)
[4] ID.

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