Friday, January 16, 2015

R.A. 9999 Free Legal Assistance Act of 2010 and the Need of the Poor and Oppressed

The primary purpose of the law is not to convict but to make sure that the justice is served.

 What if the accused is poor ? Opressed? Is there any way that the government can help them to seek justice?  What if they really do not have the means to pay legal fees? What will happen? Are they going to be victims of unserved justice ? These are the questions that are bugging me every time I hear that someone who is poor committed a crime. Maybe, these are also the questions that bugged our legislation, these questions lead them in coming up of a law that will provide the poor and oppressed  free legal assitance. The Republic Act 9999- Free Legal Assistance Act of 2010, AN ACT PROVIDING A MECHANISM FOR FREE LEGAL ASSISTANCE AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES.

The purpose of the act is to value the dignity of every human person and guarantee the rights of every individual, particularly those who cannot afford the services of legal counsel and to promote a just and dynamic social order that will ensure the prosperity and independence of the nation and free the people from poverty through policies and programs that provide adequate social services and improve the quality of life for all.

The State shall guarantee free legal assistance to the poor and ensure that every person who cannot afford the services of a counsel is provided with a competent and independent counsel preferably of his/her own choice, if upon determination it appears that the party cannot afford the services of a counsel, and that services of a counsel are necessary to secure the ends of justice and protect of the party.

People who are charged with crime that might lead to imprisonment, who cannot afford a lawyer are guaranteed by our constitution.

It is good to know that our government is fully aware of the situation of these people(the poor). I am truly proud that our government has come up with a law that will surely help the oppressed in seeking justice. We are all entitled with the rights that are bestowed by our constitution, life, LIBERTY, and property.

Let us put in our minds that in order to remedy the injustice in our country, we should not only enforce the law, we should also come up with programs that will lessen the struggles against our fundamental rights and freedoms.



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