Friday, January 16, 2015

The Illegal Migration of Filipinos from Mindanao to Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia


The Philippines is a very diverse nation. Its tradition, culture and way of living can be considered as a result of a grand mixture of different races that came into the country as a result of trade, migration and colonization. Such development went through because the country is one of the studded islands in the South-East Asia region and its location is one of the ideal trade routes going to the Pacific and China. Due to those established connections, new ties are born between the country’s neighboring and distant countries. Moreover, it is not only entrepreneurship that went on between these countries but also the spread of religion and beliefs together with the marriage and engagement of different nations’ people.

One of the countries that built such connection with the country is Malaysia. The capital of Malaysia is only 2,402 km away from the southest tip of the country (Mindanao). Though, the nearest point (Sabah) of Malaysia is only 844 km away from Mindanao [1]. It is just an hour or two of boat ride across the Celebes Sea. A great interaction was instituted between Mindanao and Sabah. Both areas share almost the same culture and a common religion. According to historical accounts, Islam arrived in the country from the southern areas, it could be possibly theorized that the Malays’ interactions with the natives molded them into being Muslims. Furthermore, due to such short distance between islands, a regular crossing of boarders made strong ties [2].

Time has passed but it has never severed the ties made. It only bonded two different nationalities deeply. Though, there came a time that the territory of Sabah was disputed by the two countries. The Philippines claim that they have legal and historical accounts that would support their claim to the territory. Records show that Sabah or formerly known as North Borneo was granted to the Sultanate of Sulu after it helped the Sultanate of Brunei against his enemies, however, it was relinquished due to the intervention of Spain and United Kingdom during the Colonial Age. Nevertheless, the dispute between the countries’ government never affected the good relations of the locals. As of today, those good relations resulted into the issue of illegal migrations of Filipinos from Mindanao into that Malaysian region [3]. And the record of the most inhabited region by illegal migrant Filipinos is the region of Kota Kinabalu [4].


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