Friday, March 6, 2015

ISIS and Terrorism

ISIS and Terrorism

The brutality exposed by ISIS involving the killings, beheadings, mutilations and crucifixions of civilians particularly Christians and journalists by ISIS have shaken and alarmed us all. Many have also expressed their thoughts and have acted against it to stop the violence and brutal acts of terrorism. Targets were civilians who are against their ideologies.

ISIS, as the group has been identified by ABC News and other news organizations, refers to the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria. Different translations of the Arabic name al-Baghdadi gave his organization have spawned other English-language versions such as the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (also ISIS) or the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL). It is also known as Daesh, based on an Arabic acronym.[1]

This ISIS has evolved into an organized and structured extremist organization that is in the process of consolidating its power as a government within the Islamic Caliphate. The ISIS controlled areas are managed by a hierarchy of governance structures that manage the day to day life of residents, collect income, maintain law and order and enforces its ideology of Islamic Extremism.  The ISIS also relies on localized alliances and foreign fighters that support defensive and offensive military sustainability. The transformation of the ISIS represents: An organization incomparable to al Qaeda in terms of structure, tactics and financial resources has been able to integrate the best of a formal hierarchy with loose networking "self-starters"; A shared ideology with al Qaeda (formation and consolidation of an Islamic Caliphate), though much more brutal in its interpretation than bin Laden ever envisioned.[2]

Western officials only have rough estimates on ISIS’s total fighting force, but in late 2014, the CIA said the group was believed to be up to 30,000 fighters strong including local supporters, and growing.[3] Recently, US claimed among 6,000 ISIS leaders and members were killed by the airstrikes they launched against ISIS after many were as hostages and killed as shown from videos they have uploaded.  

The ISIS group is considered a destabilizing factor in the balance of the Middle East region. Unfortunately the group is acquiring popularity and is attracting a growing number of followers, many of them from Western countries. Another worrying element is
the economic capability of ISIS. Many experts consider it one of the richest Jihadist group in the world.[4]

The direct effects of war in the region are, sadly, therefore an understatement of the real economic costs of civil war and the spread of ISIS.  Because the war has disrupted the growth of strong intra-regional trade and plans for deep trade integration, one must include the foregone benefits of further trade integration in order to provide an accurate assessment of the economic costs of war.[5] These effects trigger ISIS to continue pursuing their goals to fight against their opponents by inflicting violence to people including innocent civilians.

Through the unanimous adoption of resolution 2170 (2014), under the binding Chapter VII of the United Nations Charter, the Council condemned in the strongest terms what it called “gross, systematic and widespread abuse” of human rights by the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL, also known as ISIS) and Al-Nusra Front. Through the resolution, the Council demanded that ISIL, Al-Nusra Front and all other entities associated with Al-Qaida cease all violence and terrorist acts, and immediately disarm and disband.  Recalling that their attacks against civilians on the basis of ethnic or religious identity might constitute crimes against humanity, it stressed the need to bring those perpetrators, including foreign fighters, to justice.[6]

ISIS way of expressing their grievances and opposition to US and other nations involving conflict with their ideologies and philosophies cannot be used as an excuse to outrage and kill innocent people, conquer and destruction of peaceful localities. Inflicting violence, massive killings, mutilations in exchange of ransom or demand and rebellion in all aspect is against the law whether local or global including public order and morality. Despite efforts and condemnations made by different nations particularly United State of America and other neighboring countries, compromise seems to be elusive. Laws and treaties were disregarded and violated therefore ISIS must face the consequence otherwise must consider diplomatic solutions to end this.

These indeed are human rights violations. While we have all different ideologies of certain things, human rights should take precedence.


[1] ISIS Trail of Terror, Last visited March 5, 2015.
[2] Islamic State of Iraq and ash Sham / Islamic State (Islamic State of Iraq, ISIS or ISIL, IS) Summary, Last visited March 5, 2015.
[3] Id.


[5] The Economic Impact of the Syrian War and the Spread of ISIS: Who Loses & How Much?, Last visited March 06, 2015.

[6] Security Council Adopts Resolution 2170 (2014) Condemning Gross, Widespread Abuse of Human Rights by Extremist Groups in Iraq, Syria

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