Islamic State of Iraq and
Syria or ISIS is a group composed
of fundamentalist Sunni Muslims who are out to establish a global caliphate. ISIS was founded in 2004 by Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, a
former farmer and follower of bin Laden, and its primary goal is to expand its
territory and to enforce the Shariah law to all Muslims. If the group will be
able to establish a global caliphate, it will led by a supreme religious leader
called a caliph. A caliph is a direct descendant of the Prophet Muhammad. In
pursuing their goal, the ISIS
members are using ruthless tactics like force, violence and inhuman acts.
Laws have been violated and rights have been
trampled upon. According to Nick wing
from Huffington post, 1,922 people were killed for the sole month of June 2014
and 2,610 were injured. 500 Yazidis were killed in northern Iraq; they were
being slaughtered and exterminated because the ISIS
considered them as devil worshipers according to Iraqi legislator Vian Dakhil
in his pleading in Iraqi parliament. Yazidis' religious beliefs are a
combination of the Persian Zoroastrian faith, with elements of Islam and even
Judaism. Archbishop Athanasius Toma Dawod of the Syriac Orthodox church laments
that ISIS “are killing our people
in the name of Allah and telling people that anyone who kills a Christian will
go straight to heaven. They have burned churches; they have burned very old
books. They have damaged our crosses and statues of the Virgin Mary. They are
occupying our churches and converting them into mosques." ISIS members are
not just vampires who crave for bloods but also maniacs who treat women
inhumanly. They look at women as sex slaves, maids and use and throw
object. Women are forced to enter into
marriage. The vitiated consent of these women is tolerated by their family in
order to save their life, to accumulate power, or to garner respect. According
to al monitor U.S. news, Fatima Abdulla al-Abou committed suicide because her
father tried to force her to marry an ISIS member. The fact of the existence of force marriage
was proven by the research conducted by Mahmoud Hussein, an activist from the
NGO Hand in Hand for Syria, wherein he told Al-Monitor News that force marriages
end in divorce after two months, at which time the foreign fighters marry
another woman. However, force marriage is not the sole issue involving women.
Lust is a widespread disease among ISIS members. Women are raped, gang raped
and tortured. One of our sister by
nationality was allegedly abducted and gang raped by six ISIS members in Libya as
reported by The Inquisitr. Worst, 170 documented rapes were committed by ISIS
against virgin girls in Anbar province and 50 girls from the Yazidi sect in the
city of Mosul according to the head of Fallujah Council Sheikh Abdul Rahman
Nimrawi. Nevertheless, these rampant raping is condoned by sharia court because
a 30 year old woman who killed an ISIS member because he attempted to rape her
in her home was sentenced to death by cutting off her head with a sword.
These notorious, heinous, and
atrocious acts are against the law. These acts constitute the crime of murder,
mass murder, genocide, rape, torture and injustice, accordingly. I don’t see
the point of their religion here. They are acting outside the ambit of law.
They are executing acts within their discretion. I don’t see anywhere in the
sharia law that permits the acts of killing, raping, and enslaving women. These
acts are definitely frowned upon by the law. ISIS may justify their diabolical
acts by claiming that they have the freedom to act their belief nonetheless
long line of jurisprudence will tell us that “we have freedom from conformity
to religious dogma but not freedom from conformity to law because of religious
dogma.” The acts then of ISIS should neither be left uncondemned nor justice should not be served.
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