Thursday, March 5, 2015

            Islamic State of Iraq and Syria is a Jihadist militant group. They have attracted a widespread criticism for its extremism, militant ideas and terrorism which spread decay and destroying human civilization. They are known for their well funded web and social media propaganda, which include internet video of igniting a live person, beheadings of soldiers, civilians, journalist and aid workers, just recently the threw a gay person from a building, acts which a rational person will never understand.     They are on the rise, they recruit globally through social media, apparently, there are individuals, who want to participate in their poisonous ideology.
            The Philippines has the most liberal government in Asia, we are very open to everybody, foreigners visit us and they feel very at home, countries around us are not, especially Malaysia, Singapore, Vietnam and Indonesia. That being said, our country is most likely the target for recruitment of ISIS. That is the downside of a democratic system. They would probably nest in Mindanao, the government should be very careful. We do not know they might be near to us ideologically or by way of communication or adherence more than what we really know. There must be a group in Mindanao whom we can talk to neutralize this.
            A rational discussion about causes and possible solution is all but impossible, all I can say is that ISIS is pure evil in its totally messed up form, more evil than anything that has gone before.

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