Friday, March 6, 2015

ISIS: Fear and Terror around the Globe

Words have various meaning. A meaning of such word to some may have a different meaning to others. Such concept may be applied to some acts. For this instance, the essence of terrorism varies to whose point of view men are taking it. For the victims of such acts and those who are trying to avoid and secure themselves against such, it is commonly defined as an act of violence or disturbance that leads to fear and destruction for pursue of certain goals and agendas. Due to such, they have resulted to force, drastic actions and bloodshed. However, for those who are doing such acts (the terrorists), they see it as their glorious and destined purpose. They find it as their way of expressing themselves for their resistance and dismay to the current flow of the world. However, it is undeniable that such acts take lives, kill freedom and freewill, and disrupt peace and order.

Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (a.k.a. Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham) or better known as ISIS today is one of the most feared terror group around the globe [1]. They are a group of Muslim Extremist who do believe that the Islam religion is the only religion and Ahlah is the only god there is. Due to such strong beliefs, the group employed different stance of inflicting terror around the globe in order to force it to reshape it on their desired figure. The terror group was founded on 1999 but it only showed its large scale of activities in 2014 [2]. Through public brutal executions to inhuman acts of terrorism, they reign terror over the regions of operation. Furthermore, they have utilized social media well in spreading such terror, fear and horror around the globe.

The Philippines is miles away from the area of operation of the terror group but the fear still reaches it.  The terror group made used of the current trends of way of living in order to spread terror. Social media had been the key factor. Through online interface, the terror group spread their atrocities around the globe. Fear is being embedded to countries and nations to show how mighty and willing they are to do anything just to accomplish their goals. Due to such trends, there had been hearsays that the terror group has already men inside the Philippines, specifically with the country’s local terror groups. These men are said capable combatants and bomb experts that are training the country’s local terror group. As of now, there had been no concrete evidence and news whether such presumptions are true. But, one thing is for sure, the terror group has found new ways and means to spread terror across the globe. And if such hearsay may be true, that there had been operatives already of the ISIS terror group around the globe, each and every nations and countries must enhance and prepare their security to ensure that lives would not be taken inhumanly, freedom and freewill would not be defeated and peace and order would not be at stake.



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